Experience the zkLLVM circuit compiler
Tap into the potential of a tool that simplifies proving application code to Ethereum.
Tap into the potential of a tool that simplifies proving application code to Ethereum.
Our compiler automatically transforms mainstream development languages into circuits for efficient proof generation.
Why building zk‑enabled apps
Lower execution costs
Leveraging zero-knowledge technology greatly reduces execution costs for in-EVM and other on-chain L1/L2 operations.
Boost data throughput
Proving computations with zero-knowledge increases protocol capacity and significantly cuts average time required to process an operation.
Enhance Privacy and Security
Zero-knowledge technology lets applications selectively share data with third parties, ensuring privacy without sacrificing the security and trust of your users.
Full cycle solution for creating zk-enabled Ethereum apps
In tandem with Proof Market, our decentralized marketplace for zkProof generation, zkLLVM provides end-to-end support for your application's lifecycle.
=nil; toolchain establishes quick and robust proof generation pipeline, reducing time to market for zk-enabled apps.
Take advantage of an efficient decentralized proof generation process, reducing each proof's operational costs with zkLLVM circuits.
Developers get rewards for adding new circuits that gain demand.
Want to build?
Join our community to collaborate with experienced engineers on building secure, scalable and composable decentralized applications.